Applied AI to improve EV charger reliability

Decrease Operating Costs

Accelerate the service process and eliminate expedited shipping costs by allocating the correct replacement parts to local service facilities.

Improve Customer Experience

Innovative monitoring identifies issues and at-risk components, providing corrective and proactive service recommendations.

Comprehensive Monitoring

EnergizedAI aggregates multiple datasets to create a complete view of each individual charger’s status. The data is dynamically updated and reviewed to ensure an accurate representation of the charger.

Behavior Based Automated Detection

EnergizedAI's algorithm infers when issues occur by identifying irregular charger behavior. We do not rely on error code reporting. This provides more accurate detection of real-world performance experienced by drivers using the charger. 

Actionable Insights

Corrective service recommendations are provided so current issues can be resolved. Predictive maintenance recommendations can be used for proactive service or parts distribution strategies for forward stocking locations based on the specific in-field chargers it supports. 

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Built by Data Lovers and EV Drivers From